Our special events

The light inside us all shines brightest when we give back…


1. School Supply & Backpack Drive


As you know each year when school starts students need a backpack and school supplies.  Some students cannot afford to just run out and purchase what ever they need to help them be successful in school.  In order to help these students in need the Firefly Network holds a school supply and backpack drive and the end of the school year.   We will send out a message on social media and if you can donate anything or know of someone who can you can bring it to the Firefly closest to you and we will get it to a student in need. Please contact us if you want to get involved or have any ideas to enhance this!  We are open to suggestions.

“She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved…


2. Haitian Jewelry, Art & Pencil BagParty


She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad. No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks…

Every year we like to coordinate with the Haitian project to have a show featuring Haitian jewelry, Haitian art, pencil bags and handbags made by members of the community in Port de Prince that surround the school.  This is a great way to give the community in Port de Prince an opportunity to support themselves as well as the school which is the center of the community.  I still have a purse my parents bought me from one of the Haitian Project fundraisers when I was six! Dates for this sort of fundraiser will set out over social media or if you would like to receive an email please sign up and give us your email under the contact section on the home page of the website. 


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3. Firefly Frenzy


Firefly Frenzy is a quarterly meeting where the network comes together to share and connect with each other.  New ideas and planning for the next quarter are discussed.  We talk about changes we see in the communities we are working with.  During a Firefly Frenzy, our main goal is to share success stories while we regroup, recharge and make sure we are all still on board with our mission and core values.   At these meetings we also discuss new organizations that may need/want us to get involved and help out with community service projects in their areas.  So if you work with or know of an organization they may need volunteers please let us know!

She was beautiful, deep down to her soul. She is beautiful.”

-F. Scott Fitzgerald

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