Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Mid-South
Big Brother Big Sister’s of the Mid-South has brought joy to me because I get to serve children and can truly work hands on for my cause Fighting Poverty Through Education and Community Service. I meet with Tayasia, my precious 4th grade little sister every Wednesday after school and help her with homework or talk about what’s going on in her life. She is such a worker, never asks to go play or take a break while we study. My favorite part is talking with her and learning about her fears and passions. She is already showing signs of being a leader at her school and I want to make sure I help her develop that important side of herself!
XO -Genevieve
To provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported, one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.
Children (“Littles”) and their mentors (“Bigs”) meet one-to-one, for a minimum of four hours a month to do activities of their own choosing. It is not what they do together that is important, rather that they meet consistently and develop a bond. Whether bicycling in a park, completing homework together, or just catching up over a meal, matches develop a relationship with a lasting impact.
We have two signature programs: Community-Based and School-Based. Community-Based is the traditional Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring program most people think about when they consider becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister. Volunteers spend time with a child for two or three hours, two or three times a month in the community. School-based mentors meet with their Littles one hour a week in a one-to-one setting during the school year at a local elementary school.
My Little Sister from BBBS of the Mid-South and a friend!